Milo234s Records December 2005-April 2nd 2006
I suck and here are the facts for December 2005 April 2nd 2006 so you can all get it straight
Most Wins Against:
* Note that Atomi officially has the most wins against somewhere around 30 but this only takes into account the last 50 games played with any of the listed opponents.
Total Losses: 44 + About 10 other games with atomi and maybe 1-5 with dead *
Total Wins: 613 + a couple hundred more game with atomi and a few with rock/dead (Note I miscounted somewhere but decided not to recheck so this number is not quite exact)
Win% = 93%
*Note that 9 of these losses, approximately Ό were on Q10v10Bo9
My Approximate Ranking of Skill Level of Opponents Played at time played:
I am willing to say that the overall performance of these 3 has been higher than that of anyone else I have played in the last year. Trying to rank everyone else is too difficult due to 2 main reasons, those being the large gap in skill level even among the best active players at the moment, and the second being that no1 plays enough 1v1s
Last 50 1v1s record I have had with anyone since last summer (or christmas):
Only people on this list I have played more than 50 times are rock, dead, and atomi so this is more or less a thorough list of every 1v1 I have played since Christmas excluding somewhere between 200-400 games with atomi 2-0 CGA Tourney Games
27thArmyReflex 2-0 hjk6 games 2-0 CGA Tourney Games 2-0 CGA Tourney Games
Atomi 44-6 3 wins Q10v10bo9, 1win qmaster 3 war, 1p4 1hjk6
Babo 3-0 some games I dont remember who this is
Badplayaa 7-0 someone on kali one night
BcZoo 1-0 a game in hat CGA tourney
BossDean 3-0 was showing him how to Q and played Qmaster 3 war with him
Brick- 4-0 we played in kotg mini tourney and q tourney and a random game on 12/16
Cburr 2-0 gtkx187
Coorslight 1-0 a kotg game
Cousintank 4-0
CousinTrofy 1-0 a random p4 game
Crazy Cymbal 1-0 a random game
Creepa 3-0 some random person I played on GS p4s one day. I dont know who this is
Current 1-0 A game in Q tourney
Dead 44-6 He got 1 win on KOTG and some path wins, ive had fun games with him since the map varies
Disc0stu 5-0 he got on one day and played path with me
DTC-eazy 5-0 he was pretty good I would like to know who he is 2-0 CGA Tourney Games
Eggroll 2-0
El Malito 8-0 an old MP player I never knew who got on with rock 1 day fun games
Emma 5-0 Q max allies
Enginuity 2-0
Et.Ai 3-0 1 random p4 game recently and 2 games back in the long ago tournament
FatherRavel 1-0
FattyNoob 7-0 some fun hjk and p4 games at christmas time
Gollipop 26-2 won 1 game when I deliberately cyed and 1 other game that ended up going to cying before christmas
Hss 2-0 p4s
Imperium 4-0 I played him why?
Invalid 6-0
Iso-failure 1-0 I think that was maz on some random name on kali 1 night hjk game
JJFjr 2-12 hjk6 p4 and 2 path games
Judas0 2 -0
Katsh 1-0 I played him and mistakenly thought he was fake and pissed him off
KeiserJallan 30-0
Krazy 8-0 various games
Liquidq 2-1 some hjk6, he is definitely the best hjk6 player I have played in the last year other than jjfjr
Lumpy 1-0 a random game of v3
Man33 3-0 2 p4s and a qmaster
Mazell 17-4 Various path and hjk6 games
Mike 6-0 I think he was an old WW path player who happened to get on kali one day
Mmmm 1-0 another random person on kali one night
Mr.Tanks 13-0 11 p4s 2 gtkx187
NewSide 4-0 Who was this?
Nucleas 4-0
ORA-boy 11-0
ORA-dio-Yo_pa 18-1 he won a game when we practied union break light rushing for tournament
ORA-displacer 3-0 some games one day
ORA-kaka 10-2 he got 2 wins on Q10v10Bo9
ORA-krez 15-4
ORA-pinky/DeadDuck/StarbucksLover 7-0 various hjk games she was better than most of the other people ive played recently at hjk6
ORA-qshow 3-0
ORA-rock 50-0 various fun games
ORA-sabs 3-0 some p4s games
ORA-turret 31-3 2 wins Q10v10bo9 1 win on that boat map that id never seen before
ORA-x0wnag3x 13-0 various games fun to play
Poizon420 1-0 he is impressive for a noob
Polarbearman 2-0
Qw2g00d4u 9-0 an old ww path player who got on a few times
qXp 2-1 2 wins on hjk6 1 loss on shiftmaster
RA168UK 2-0 p4s
Rgioia 9-0 various random games
Rice 6-1 KOTG fun I enjoyed that series
Robi 1-0 a random noob on kali 1 day who I played on path
RomperDude 5-0 2 games of KOTG 3 games of p4
Skizzo 3 0
Slyfoxx 4-0 I played him on kali on hjk6 and gtkx187
Snoopy 1-0 Dunno who this was
Soleman 4-1 3-1 KOTG serious on 12/6 and 1 game of hjk6 on 11/20
Spectral 3-0 3 games of p4s
T2-JayCaesar 37-2 Two victories on variation of Q10v10Bo9 All other games are hjk6/3q10v10s
Taz 1-0
TerryGardner 11-0 Is this megadeath?
Triloqia 19-3 he rushed my wars 2x on Q master max speed and got 1 win on p4s
Waste 1-0 forgot who he is but played 1 game of path one night on kali 5-0 our match from the CGA tourney and some other games, he is definitely the best player on CGA that I have played but hes still not that great 7-0 One of the chinese guys on CGA
Yoyo 3-1 Our q10v10 bo9 match in the tournament and 2 random games
Z1Unknown 2-0